Secret Codes:
1. Zombie Level – In order to play only in this bonus stage, choose your character in the Story Mode and when you see Choosing Your Difficulty menu, type buttons: left, right, left, right. You should notice that Hard Mode changed into Zombie Level.
2. Training Mode with AI – Choose the story mode, a character and the difficulty (any option). Now when the round starts, pause the game (by default ESC button). If your character is facing right direction, hold the right button or if he’s facing left, hold the left button. If you hold the button enough time, you should see changed the colour of text, that means you should have got activated the training mode. To turn it off, do the same steps which means pausing the game and holding the right/left button. This also works in Training Mode and Vs. Mode.
Screenshots And Wallpapers

The Vault section is the home of forgotten assets from older versions of Terrordrome and also the place where you will find material never released before, from behind the scene images to concepts that never made it to the final version. Take a look at stuffs that we removed and others that could have been included (but did not for some reasons).
To see more pictures, use arrows which are in the right upper corner of any picture.
Cinematic finishers:
This is probably the most interesting cancelled feature, the cinematic animations for Finishers. Lot of material was already produced before I realized it would require an insane amount of work because of all the possible combinations between all the characters and the way they would end with the opponent’s life. It instantly represented lot of work of integration in the engine since every frame and a complex scripting would have been required to create a full sequence between 2 characters. They never made it to any version and the whole concept was scrapped. Here we have reproduced all the possible sequences in this video!
Before Terrordrome V.2 and all its iterations, there was a first draft of the game, a prototype that started it all: Terrordrome V.1.
The same engine was used (Fighter Maker 2002). At the time, my skills in 3D modelling and animation were pretty recent compared to now thus leading to a funnier and more clunky version. It had only 2 playable characters (Jason was in development) and 3 stages although some material created at the time made their way up to TRDM V.2.

Development and behind the scene:
During the production of the game, there were many iterations done for the characters, stages and animations. Here you can see some raw material and work in progress never shown before.
Unused animations


Undead Jason

Classic Jason


Herbert West



Tall man

Dr. Hill

Female cenobite

Spike cenobite


Matt Cordell

Michael Myers

Scrapped Jason


Pennywise – unused character

Jeepers Creepers – unused character

Scrapped monster – Herbert West was supposed to summon that creature.

Miskatonic Lab

Cabrini Green

Myers House

High School




Pumpkin Forest

MENU pictures

Scrapped stuff from previous versions of Terrodrome