Hello everyone and welcome to the first development update since 1.0 release.
We have finally officially launched the game but this is only the beginning as we have lots if things to do to move forward and we’re delighted to share our next steps with you today!
Beast Dracula Confirmed boss and playable character!

We can finally announce that yes the final boss will be a beastly version of Dracula which we have kept secret for a very long time, we can also confirm that he’ll be joining the game along with the other 3 secret characters when we release the story mode which makes a roster of 16 by then!
Story Mode under pre-development.
The story has been fully written and we have laid out the fights within the game, we would like to go fully cinematic and we’re looking at mocap options to make this a reality as well as looking for lip syncing tools to match the characters voices when they talk.
although we’re planning to go this route, things may change but it’s looking likely we will go this way as technology and tools have progressed immensely in the past few years and will only get better allowing indies like us to produce better looking content that our players deserve.
Costume DLC confirmed!
This is also something we have kept secret for a long time for almost 2 years as modelling is very time consuming and expensive but we can finally announce that yes every character will be getting an alt costume through paid DLC.
when designing what these costumes should be we decided that instead of them being the same character wearing something different like most fighting game alts, we took it upon ourselves to make these alts entirely new characters! (they’ll share the same moveset as the character it’s an alt for)
Doing this will help expand the Terrordrome Universe as well as add more archetypes requested by you guys to the game without spending so much time and money making every character playable with their own moves.
We cannot confirm if these DLC costumes will be for purchase separately or released in a costume pack as we need to work with our publisher in order to get the best outcome.
Unfortunately we cannot share any images of them…yet, as not all of them have been modelled yet but please stay tuned for more updates on these characters as we could show one off in Cy8ernet1c?! flare.